The Seville-Cadiz High Speed Line was designed as part of the 2005-2020 Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan (PEIT) to extend the Madrid-Seville High Speed axis. Superstructure and track assembly works consisting of the 26.3 km iberian gauge double track assembly (1,668 mm) over ballast, with UIC60 rail over PR01 type multipurpose concrete sleepers, prepared for their migration to UIC gauge (1,435 mm). The turnouts and the crossovers in the Las Cabezas de San Juan railway station and the crossover at the exit in Utrera railway station are also being assembled. The Renfe CR-220 catenary has been installed for electrificaction, 3,000 volt power supplied in direct current from the present traction substation in Las Cabezas de San Juan. This catenary is compatible with a future 25 kV AC voltage traction. The budget was €48.4 M. El tramo Torrejón de Velasco. Ramales de Conexión LAV Madrid-Levante con LAV Madrid-Sevilla, tiene por objeto facilitar la conexión entre ambas líneas de Alta Velocidad mediante dos ramales ferroviarios de vía única, uno para cada sentido de la circulación. Stretch of 9.6 km long, with a budget of €46.8 M. 1 overpass and 5 underpasses were carried out. Furthermore, an Electrical Traction Substation formed by two 3,000 kW rectifier stacks was constructed. The stretch is 2.2 km long, which means the whole railway route through the city. It is composed of 2 open-cast ballastless-track ramps and a central tunnel section where the new station is located. The total budget has been €45.6 M. The most important work has been the removal of the overland railway corridor and its replacement by the underground layout. The ramps, sunken in relation to the ground level, are 391 and 581 m in length and are constructed with 0.8 m thickness and 10 m up to 20.5 m depth concrete walls. Both ramps begin with a 200 m open-cast double ballasted-track section. The new station is located in the middle of the underground layout. The building has a rectangular, constructed by using a metal structure with a sheet-steel roof and side closing with compact polycarbonate panels. In its design, special attention has been paid to the information systems and passengers information, including platforms up to 4.3 m wide. The building has two levels: the upper one, or public hall, with a 1,200 m² area, and the lower one, or platform level, to access the trains. Both levels are connected by elevators, stairways and escalators. Sevilla-Cádiz HSR
Utrera – Las Cabezas de San Juan Section
Lebrija-El Cuervo Section
Railway urban integration in Puerto Real
Puerto Real Station
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