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Vitoria – Bilbao – San Sebastián (Basque Y) HSR


The new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastián HSR line, also known as “Basque Y”, will connect the capitals of this region, thus connect it with the rest of the Spanish territory. Azvi has participated in its execution with the construction of three important sections that contributed to bring high speed to the Basque Country and represented one of the most important milestones in the history not only of this region but also of the company itself.

Abadiño-Durango Section | Azvi

Abadiño-Durango Section

The stretch has a length of 3.5 km and along it the Mañaria and Untxilla viaducts and the Eguskiza, Mendigain tunnels, as well as a cut-and-cover tunnel, have been constructed.

The total amount of the work was €76.6 M.


Amorebieta-Amorebieta Section

The layout is 5 km in length and consists of a five tunnels and five viaducts succession.

The viaducts total length is 1,770 m (35% of the stretch) and the tunnels length reaches 1,750 m (34% of the stretch). Adding tunnels and viaducts, more than two thirds of the stretch total length are reached, which gives an idea of the importance of these elements in the entire work.

Beasain West Section| Azvi

West Beasain Stretch

The West Beasain section has a length of 1.9 km and a €46.4 M budget.

As in the other stretches, the layout crosses an area with steep slopes and closed valleys, hence almost the entire stretch runs through tunnel or viaduct.

The sectionstarts with the viaduct over the Zabalondo stream (226 m), followed by the Arriarán tunnel (485 m), the Itola viaduct (384 m), the Itola tunnel (202 m), the Gudugarreta fill (180 m) and the Loinaz tunnel (347 m) where the layout ends.


The two viaducts of the stretch are of the same type: prestressed concrete box section deck, executed in situ with arched falsework.

Each span has been concreted and tensioned in two phases to accelerate the moving of the falsework and the formwork inside the box.

The Zabalondo viaduct has 5 spans (43+46×3 +43) and the Itola viaduct has 9 spans (30+46×7+30).


The three tunnels have twin-track monotube typology. The total length of the tunnels is 1,034 m, which means that 55% of the stretch runs underground..

The NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) has been used for tunnel construction, carrying out the excavated section using explosives and mechanical means (backhoe with hammer).

Finally, the portals and exits of the tunnels have been completed with prefab vault cut-and-cover tunnels, proceeding afterwards to landfill and environmental restoration.

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