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Las Angosturas Bypass


Azvi is undertaking the construction of the Las Angosturas bypass on the A-333 in Priego de Córdoba. This will replace the existing winding route and reduce the elevated level of danger on the current road.  

Description of the works

Azvi is responsible for the construction of a 5.7km section of new road on the A-333 in Priego de Córdoba. The project includes a 112m long viaduct and a 16m long bridge 

BIM Methodology

After being awarded the project by the Public Works Authority of the Andalusian regional government, Azvi planned a pilot project which incorporates the use of BIM methodology


Viaduct over the River Salado 

The 122m viaduct over the River Salado will be divided into three spans: 37.85m, 42m and 32m, respectively.  

The deck was placed on top of two 2m high box girder beams. The 30cm thick slab was then poured and concreted.   

  • The four prefabricated piles, each weighing 52 tonnes, were placed on the two pile caps, each  consisting of 18 ø800 mm piles, 20 m deep.
  • A 250-tonne main crane and a 160-tonne derrick crane were required to lift and place the pillars vertically and install them on the pile cap which included eight ø160mm, 1,900mm long sleeves.
  • For precise positioning, vertical alignment and levelling, the piles were supported on 4 200x200x20mm S275JR steel plates. Subsequently, each sleeve was filled with high-strength, non-shrink, self-levelling grout to securely join the pile with the pile cap.  


The project encountered a number of complex environmental and archaeological challenges all of which were meticulously addressed with measures designed to protect both wildlife and historical heritage. One such measure included the temporary restriction of earth movements to safeguard the Bonelli’s Eagle.   

During construction works, we uncovered the remains of a unique Roman oil mill dating back to the 1st or 2nd centuries AD.  

To preserve this significant find, Azvi will construct a 740m bypass between kms 3.2 and 3.9. This will consist of an embankment that maintains the layout and elevation of the road and will require the movement of 77,000 cubic metres of earth.   

Junta de Andalucía

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