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E-75 Highway Lots 1 and 6

11,9 km
€274 M

E-75 Highway belongs to the European Road Network. Both stretchs where Azvi is working are located in Serbia.


Lot 1: Grdelica-Predejane Tunnel

The section is 6.1 km long and has a final budget of 223 million euros.

The works were carried out in the Grdelica Gorge which is formed from the accumulation of ancestral materials prone to landslides. The Juzna-Morava river also runs through the valley.

The project encompassed a wide range of well synchronised actions which reflect the technological challenge faced: local and national roads, highways, prestressed girder bridges, overpasses, galleries, concrete, gabion, and reinforced soil walls, slope retention and stabilisation, stream and river regulations, power lines and environmental integration measures as well as the complete construction of this section of the E-75.

This dual highway has two 3.5 m lanes in each direction, 2.7 m outer and 0.35 m inner verges. The central reservation is 4m wide.

Principales actuaciones

  • 5 prefabricated girder double bridges; one for each direction of traffic over the river. All bridges
    were cast on pile foundations after temporarily diverting the river course using the cofferdam technique to hold back the soil and prevent the entrance of water.
  • Overpass, to divert the national M1 road over the highway at the start of the section. This is a 100 m long structure with a post-tensioned box deck whose piers and abutments are cast on pile foundations. Completion of this project was a milestone as it was carried out without interrupting traffic on one of the most important roads in the area.
  • Gallery with pile foundations. Almost 150 m in length, the gallery is composed of 152 prefabricated girders on a concrete wall and two rows of circular piles.

  • Cuttings: the geological and geotechnical complexity of the area made it necessary to take action in four cuttings covering a length of 1850 m and an area of 22 hectares, parallel to the plot.
  • Diverting and channelling of the Juzna-Morava River. The new river course is a 40 m wide section, the banks of which are faced with antifreeze rock sealed with mortar. The terrain also made it necessary to channel various surrounding streams. In total, over 2.5 km of river and streams were channelled.
  • Integration and environmental protection measures: acoustic screens in residential areas, revegetation and hydroseeding of embankment slopes, planting of local species on the roadside and restoration of landfill areas.


Lot. 6: Manajle Tunnel-Vladicin Han Stretch

The stretch is 5.8 km in length with two 11 m wide separated carriageways, composed of two 3.75 lanes, a 2.5 m shoulder and two 0.5 m accesible berms. The budget is €51 M.

The project includes the construction of 5 bridges and an overpass interchange. The most relevant structures are the viaduct over the river Vrla (644 m long) and the Dzemin Do viaduct (514 m). Both precast T beam viaducts have high piers, 44 m long spans and a 13 m wide deck.

Significant environmental protection measures will be applied, including waterway protection and restoration and the construction of noise barriers.

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