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Mexico – Toluca
Intercity Train

57.7 KM
€667.6 M

The Mexico-Toluca lnterurban Train is a railway infrastructure project that aims to improve connections between Mexico City and the city ofToluca, the capital of the state of Mexico. This new line, which connects the Toluca Valley to Mexico City, has tour intermediate stations and is expected to benefit thousands of people who travel daily between these two important cities.

Construction period
Contract type
Mexico – Toluca Intercity Train | Construcciones Urales

Description of works

The contract includes the supply, installation and commissioning of rolling stock, railway systems,
communication systems, ticketing, control centre, tunnel and viaduct electromechanical systems, track, power systems and the construction of two 25 kV traction substations and technical buildings on the Mexico-Toluca lnterurban Train line.

Key figures

57.7 km
Ballastless track
4.7 km
Ballastless track in tunnel
36.5 km
Flexible catenary system
5 km
Rigid catenary system
Twin-tube tunnel | Construcciones Urales
Construcciones Urales

Main achievements

Helping connect the two cities: Currently, more than 700,000 people travel between the cities of Mexico City and Toluca every day. This project meets an estimated demand of 270,000 users and aims to help the connectivity and reduce traffic problems between the two urban areas by overcoming the differences in geographic challenges that exist between the two cities.

The railway serves as the backbone of regional and urban transport, allowing the organisation and optimisation of the operation of urban and rural areas.


The environmental impacts caused by the construction of this project are small and low intensity, as most of the line passes through urban or disturbed areas and is built on an elevated viaduct.

The design characteristics of the project have been adapted to meet transport demand and needs, minimizing environmental impact in areas that are still in good environmental condition. lt is therefore a project that respects the environment in which it is located.

Once in service, the train will avoid more than 27,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, equivalent to the oxygen produced by 225 hectares of forest, and prevent up to 400 traffic accidents per year on the Mexico-Toluca motorway.

The journey time will be reduced to 39 minutes, saving 45 minutes each way.

Construcciones Urales