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La Gitana Dam – Modernization of the Bajo Guadalquivir Irrigation Zone

2.000 KM

The object of this project was to optimize the available water resources with a strategic water reserve to make possible the risk without releasing water from the large regulating reservoirs at the headwaters of the Guadalquivir basin.

50,8 M€
2008 - 2011
Plazo ejecución
9,77 hm³
5.271 ha
Catchment area

Description of works

The project consisted of the construction of a regulating reservoir with a total capacity of 9.77 hm3 and a useful capacity of 9.36 hm3, with a dam height of 26.60 m (large dam), located on the Arroyo Azanaque, a tributary of the Guadalquivir on the left bank, into which it flows some 3 kilometres downstream of the reservoir, in an intermediate section between the towns of Lora del Río and Alcolea del Río.

The Dam’s object is to contribute to the Bajo Guadalquivir Cannal regulation in order to serve irrigation lands. The Azanaque stream waters as well as the pumping of the rain waters that run in the Cannal are its main sources of supply. The volume stored in this way, will be a strategic reserve to facilitate the irrigation without discharge from the big regulation reservoirs located in the Guadalquivir basin head, optimizing the available hydric resources.

Main actions

  1. Azanaque Stream closing dock and Control Center.
  2. Pumping Station.
  3. Electrical facilities and access.
  4. Bajo Guadalquivir Cannal and Dam connection ducts.
  5. Environmental improvement and integration on the landscape.

The Dam

The Azanaque stream embankment consists of a core of impermeable loams and two gravel embankments. Upstream it is protected by a 3 m high breakwater wall. A sand filter is inserted in the back of the marl core, which serves as a drainage system for the dam. The crest length is 701 m, with a maximum height of 26.6 m above the foundations.

Crédito fotos: Azvi

Estación de bombeo

La Estación de bombeo se encuentra en la margen izquierda del canal del bajo Guadalquivir. Desde ella se puede bombear agua desde el canal a la balsa con las tres bombas de 115 kW instaladas. También se permite el trasvase de agua desde la balsa al canal por gravedad.


El dique y el canal se comunican con dos tuberías de 1.500 mm de diámetro de acero helicosoldado. Con estas tuberías se pueden bombear 1,2 m3/sg optimizando el consumo de energía.

Edificio de control

En el edificio de control, que está situado en el estribo izquierdo, se telecontrolan todos los equipos de la balsa.

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