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Jerez Airport


The significant increase in commercial and private air traffic in recent years, alongside the need for a larger capacity manoeuvring area led Jerez Airport to undertake this expansion project to increase operational capacity.

50,8 M€
2008 - 2011
Plazo ejecución
400 m
Ampliación pista

Description of Works

The €11.4million project involved the extension of the taxiway parallel to the runway up to Runway 02 threshold, and A high-speed exit taxiway for runway vacating after landings via threshold 20. This decreases runway occupation time and increases the airport capacity.


The taxiway platform includes soil stabilized with cement or lime which varies between 30cm and 60cm depending on the area, and a 40cm thick layer of selected soil. On the selected soil, the pavement structure consists of 20 cm of artificial gravel, over which 36 cm of hot bituminous mix (HBM) is laid in four layers: two 11cm thick base layers of type T1, an intermediate 8cm thick layer of type T5, and a 6cm thick wearing course with ophitic aggregate and modified bitumen of type T6.

The production of HBM was carried out on site using Azvi’s own asphalt plant, which produced excellent quality asphalt.

In order to reduce the impact caused by the demolition of the existing pavement and to avoid transport to authorized landfills, milling and pavement recycling works were carried out. The resulting material was reused as gravel or selected soil in various sections of the project.

Notable actions

  • Renewal of the drainage and sewerage network, bringing it into line with AENA’s new regulations.
  • Execution of a perimeter service road.
  • Rerouting of affected utlities: fibre optics, pair cables, electrical cables, and sewerage and potable water pipes
  • Construction of a new access control for the aircraft apron.
  • Marking of the new taxiways and renewal of the existing ones.
  • Horizontal markings of the new taxiways and repainting of the aircraft apron.

Benefits of the new extension

With the previous layout of the airport, aircraft had to make a 180º turn on the threshold after landing. They then continued along the runway to the apron. This procedure lengthened the time aircraft spent on the runway, decreasing the capacity for flights.

The new layout provides aircraft landing at the airport with a new taxiway to reach the apron, reducing the length of time they occupy the runway. This is also the case for aircraft taking off as the new taxiway eliminates the need for them to use the runway to reach the threshold.


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