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WIN4SMART €7.65 M BUDGET 36 DURATION IN MONTHS 7 PARTNERS Water Information Network for Sensing, Monitoring & Actuating in Real-Time EUREKA project co-financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its Spanish acronym) and the European Technology Fund through the R+D+I


SIRMA €1.52 M BUDGET 42 DURATION IN MONTHS 10 PARTNERS Strengthening Infrastructure Risk Management in the Atlantic Area  Project co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with application code EAPA_826/2018.  Most of the transport of people and goods


SIC4 €0.59 M BUDGET 21 DURATION IN MONTHS Smart Lane Closing System for Road Maintenance  Funding has been received from the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA), from the Regional Government of Andalusia, for a total amount of 146,433.08 euros, 80% co-financed by


MINFECLIMA €0.59 M BUDGET 30 DURATION IN MONTHS 2 PARTNERS Smart maintenance of railway infrastructures based on comprehensive data processing in the face of new climate scenarios  International technological cooperation project with entities from Colombia, financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology