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Chacalluta Airport

Chacalluta Airport  €12.9 MILLION Chile COUNTRY Extension TYPE OF WORK The Challacuta airport expansion project aims to improve the service level by expanding the passenger terminal and aircraft apron, as well as constructing new vehicle parking areas.   50,8 M€ Presupuesto 2008 - 2011 Plazo

Austral Network | Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Airport

Austral Network | Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Airport €62 MILLION Chile COUNTRY Ampliación TYPE OF PROJECT The objective of the project for Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Airport, located in the region of Magallanes, is to improve flight connections and tourism in the region through the

Austral Network | Balmaceda Aerodrome

Austral Network Balmaceda Aerodrome €27.8 MILLION Chile COUNTRY Extension TYPE OF WORK The Balmaceda Aerodrome expansion project aims to improve user experience and enhance national and international air connections. Situated in the Aysen region of Chile, the project will also integrate and foster economic development

La Florida de La Serena Airport

La Florida de La Serena Airport €32.8 MILLION Chile COUNTRY Expansion TYPE OF PROJECT La Florida Airport, located 6km from the City of la Serena, in the region of Coquimbo, is one of Chile’s most important airports. Due to the continued growth in its passenger