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DF-MAS II €0.43 M BUDGET 11 DURATION IN MONTHS 5 PARTNERS Digital Fleet Maintenance Services | Phase II Initiative financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the AEI (Spanish State Research Agency) support program to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness


MAMVIA €0.45 M BUDGET 12 DURATION IN MONTHS Automatic machine for mounting ballastless tracks  Project financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its Spanish acronym) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Spanish Multi-regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, with


APIA €2.22 M BUDGET 28 DURATION IN MONTHS 4 PARTNERS Integral platform for the smart audit of civil works based on the automatic capture and parametrisation of work identities in the BIM information model and the blockchain certification of its production.  Project financed by the


DF-MAS €0.64 M BUDGET 9 DURATION IN MONTHS 5 PARTNERS Digital Fleet Maintenance Services Initiative financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the support programme to the State Research Agencies (AEI in its Spanish acronym) to contribute to the improvement of the