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INFRA_ADAPT €1.77 M BUDGET 30 DURATION IN MONTHS 5 PARTNERS BIM technologies for the predictive management of road infrastructures which are vulnerable to the effects of climate change  Project financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its Spanish acronym) and


HYBRIDCONCOM €0.80 M BUDGET 27 DURATION IN MONTHS 2 PARTNERS Application of hybrid concrete and composite materials for civil works and urban architecture applications  International technological cooperation project with entities from Colombia, financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its


APIA €2.22 M BUDGET 28 DURATION IN MONTHS 4 PARTNERS Integral platform for the smart audit of civil works based on the automatic capture and parametrisation of work identities in the BIM information model and the blockchain certification of its production.  Project financed by the